kitchen sink 6
the latency issue
Cover Illustration by Mark Haven Britt
Editor’s Note
Contributor’s Page/Letters to the Editor
The Rise and Fall and Rise Again of First Favorite Bands by Jonathan Loucks
Virgin Ears: The Smiths, The Queen ls Dead by Matt Kajiwara
The Old Man and the Scene The Fall-To Death by Jeff Johnson
For the Love of EPs by Stephen Smith
Then lt Hit Me: Eat the Beatles by Michael Shaw
Yo-Yo Bloody Yo-Yo: Kevin Shields, a Ghost Story by Mon Amie
Virgin Ears: First Favorite Album by Joshua Clover
Pomo Afro Homo: Deep Dickollective by Rachel Swan
Talking to God: Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Leonard Cohen and the Fascination of What’s Difficult by Kaya Oakes
The Secret Life of Floating Weeds by Gustavus Kundahl
Once More With Feeling by Stephanie Kalem
The Mumbo Rejumboed: Or, Sci-Phi and the Theory Clowns by Bruce Melendy
Something to Be: The Image of Political Progressives in the Movies by Jen Burke Anderson
Entertainment as It Happens: ls lt Live, or ls lt Hollywood? by Monique Montibon
Don’t Call Them Special: A Look at My Flesh and Blood by Maureen Dixon
(swp) Sugar Superman a comic by Janet Harvey and Charity Harrison
On Different Pages: Why Fiction Writers and Poets Don’t Get Along by Elka Karl
Choosing or Not Choosing the Non-Writing Life by Colette DeDonato
A Voice to Say the Things I Wanted to Say: An lnterview With Ann Cummins by Owen Otto
I Is for Incest a short story by Susannah Breslin
Winking in Code a short story by Charlie Anders
I Recently Served as a Ladies’ Man a poem by Stephanie L. Mazow
Yellow Soap Signature a poem by Alison Eastley
(swp) Cottonmouth a comic by Dan Zettwoch
Spread Your Wayangs by Katy Ansite
Down on the Ant Farm by Christy Harrison
The Outsiders: lnside Outsider Art by Chaim Bertman
Hitting Home: The Work of Travis Somerville and Jessamyn Lovell by Alison Bing
Photographs: Will Rogan
‘Tis a Gift to Be Simple by Charlie Anders
Reserve Radio: Getting Radical in the Great Frozen North by Elka Karl
Thinking Class, Classing Thought by Jessica Hoffman
World Peace Is Our Mission by Jay Moynihan
Teachers in Struggle: A Voyeur’s-Eye View by Lila Kitaeff
(swp) Dietrologia a comic by Peter S. Conrad
Peepshow Powerplay: Or, Nice Shirt… Are You a Player? by Sarah Lidgus
Gay Sorts by Sierra Filucci
The Lollipop Diet: A Brief History of Weight Loss by Lisa Drostova
Give Me Carbs or Give Me Death by Antonia Blue
Spice Girl by Jane Tunks
It’s My Name, Don’t Wear It Out by Zack Kushner